Tuesday, May 3, 2011



               Osama Bin Laden is dead. Great news I must admit. But I have this little itch that won’t leave me alone; you see, for a long time I suspected that the U.S. had him imprisoned somewhere and keeping it a secret because of the implications that would bring. Think about it, if he was killed he would become an instant martyr, and if the news got out that Bin Laden was being held, not only the attempts at rescue by trading innocent people for him would be catastrophic, every “wanabe” terrorist would try and make a name for himself either by holding hostages, or by killing the innocent in order to secure his release. There’s also the fact that some of our allies would want a piece of him too therefor creating a diplomatic nightmare.
               So, keeping him secretly imprisoned/dead was a good decision not only for the reasons stated above, but there is also the fact that our military knows and understands the physiological effects that certain scenarios can have on the Islamic community. “Out of sight out of mind” would be ideally, and we knew that keeping him under wraps, would diminish his influence in Al Qaeda. For as the spiritual leader and charismatic recruiter of Al Qaeda he had to be taken out of the equation.
Is Osama Bin Laden dead? If so, when did he die?
               I hate conspiracy theories, but this lends itself for wide speculation and scrutiny. The body buried at sea? A little hard to swallow when you consider that the time allowed for burial in the Islamic faith is flexible, and burial at sea when dying on land is against their religious laws. We are talking about the most wanted man in the world for the last 10 years, and they are going to say that he was taken out and disposed off at sea? I can’t swallow that at all.
               I am not saying that President Obama lied, ‘cause we all know that in this country the presidents are just like the cheated husbands; “the last to know”.  I hate to say this because I, a republican at heart, I, like President Barack Obama. I think he is a good person trying to do what’s best for our country and he is fighting an uphill battle not only with the Republican Party, but with his own Democratic Party.
But back to the case.
This is what I believe:
                                             Some seven or eight years ago we (the U.S.) apprehended or killed Osama Bin Laden and our military understood the implications of revealing this to the world, so no one leaked it and it was as if it never happened. Now after all these years and knowing the low influence that Bin Laden represents at present, President Obama decided to play the ace he had up his sleeve passed to him by President Bush and insured his reelection in 2013. Some poor soul who was likely paid by us was set up to take a bullet for the cameras and make it believable for the one’s watching from the White House.
               I could be wrong, and I am sure hundreds if not thousands of conspiracy theories will emerge before we know the truth, if ever.

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