Sunday, May 1, 2011

Invest in

Invest in:

Usually when the word investment comes up in a book or conversation, it refers to the investing of money, but what I want to talk about is a different kind of investing, and it is more important to the future of America and the world, not to mention the family, than any amount of money you can pour into a monetary venture.
The reason I am talking about this is because someone, a very unlikely source mentioned to me the fact that no one in my family bothered to invest in me. I must say that the mere thought of such implications has been in my mind ever since.
While it is true that a lot of families automatically invest with in their circle, there are a lot of people, me included that although I have the idea and principles in my head, I have no experience of how to implement such a profound action towards those with in my family circle. It probably stems from not having it done to me, and since we learn mostly from example and repetition, how would I ever learn?
Here is a “do as I say not as I do”: Invest in your family, point out opportunities, encourage to be better, make it a requirement and an expectation to excel, set examples, offer support, and most of all listen to the wants and if possible help accomplish those wants or needs. Love your kids and guide them so they can do the same for their own kids.
I am sure that this is all easier said than done, as I’m also sure there is no books out there to teach each and every case, (and everyone is different) or situation. I can’t offer more than I know how to give and I have come to realize that there’s not much that I can offer. It is now too late for “if onlys”, but if only someone had taken their time to invest in me I can guaranty that my life would have been and would be so much different and better than it has turned out to be.

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