Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Elections 2014


            I woke up today to the news that the same person that was the Governor of Florida will remain in power. There really is no reason to celebrate except for the fact that there are no more political advertisements.
            In a couple of weeks it will be 47 years I have resided in this United States, not just living here as most people do, but taking notice of the way of life and government. For many years I would not talk politics with anyone for to talk politics like religion is to express how you feel about the government and being that everyone feels different it quickly becomes an argument. No need to argue politics, it’s like arguing who is a better boxer, only the final outcome of a bout will yield the result and even then it is not the truth.
            Every two years the American people have to endure weeks of advertisements most of which are borderline illegal. Think about what will happen if I was to make public that you are a thief or a child molester or even a rapist, etc. I would probably be sued and in some states I could face prison time for defamation of character, but in politics you can say whatever you want and you don’t pay the consequences, and just to cover their asses, politicians will have side groups that will make these awful claims or accusations, in case they, the politicians are called on the allegations they can distance themselves from it all by claiming they personally did not say it and if an investigation was to follow, it would take so long to find who actually made the statement that the powers that be don’t pursue it. It is the politics of deception and it is practiced by all three parties, Republicans, Democrats and Independents. Talking about Independents, I have always wondered why this Political Party even exists at all. Let me give you an example: Here in Florida in this election for the Governor seat there were apparently four people running for the job, but most of what anyone heard on television was the contest between Republican Rick Scott the Governor and Democrat ex Governor, ex Republican, ex Independent Charlie Chris. There were three so called debates if I’m not mistaken and not even the mention of the other two candidates. This leads me to confirm what I have always known; The media is bought and paid for by the two main political parties and all those questions that are asked are first run by the candidates participating to make sure no one is embarrassed and forced to tell the truth in the process.
            I found it funny that at the federal level races, The House of Representatives and The Congress, people decided to vote for the Republican Party to control both. I must be living in a different country or what I thought to be obvious maybe was only obvious to me.
            Let’s go back in time a little for you see that the fact that I am not an American born I think gives me better memory it seems and an honest point of view:
            In 1990 Iraq invaded Kuwait and because there is oil, a lot of oil in Kuwait the US under Republican George H. W. Bush put together a coalition of nations which was lead by the US to push back the Iraqi forces out of Kuwait. In the process the Iraqis who were fed up with Saddam Hussein were told by the US Government that if they gave up and allied themselves with the US, Saddam would be removed from power. As we all know, that did not happen and as soon as the coalition left Iraq Saddam’s forces went after those who had helped the US with the vengeance and that created a lot of resentment and mistrust against the US not only from the Iraqis, but with all of the Muslim nations not just in the middle east but around the world.
            Fast forward and in the year 2000 George W. Bush the son of George H. W. Bush was elected. Yes, another Republican, and he decided to go to war against Iraq and finish the job his father had failed at. Supposedly it was to rid Iraq of Weapons of Mass Destruction which there was none. “Bad information” he claimed. This reminds me of when I was a teen in Junior high school; there was this kid I didn’t like and I wanted to beat the shit out of him. He never did anything to me personally but he was a bully to a few other kids, he was a big white boy who was in the football team and on top of everything else he was dating a girl that I liked. I was thirteen years old and this kid was fifteen and so was the girl I liked which meant she wouldn’t have looked at me anyway, but I blamed it on all the circumstances listed above so one day in the yard at lunch time I went up to him and I tapped him on the shoulder and in my real bad broken English and with a very pushy attitude told him that if he looked at me again I was going to beat the hell out of him. He turned his back to me as to ignore me and I don’t know what he told his friends, but he was kind of laughing and so were his friends. I walked away angry but with all the resolve in the world. I waited and waited and he wasn’t looking at me at all so just before the bell for ending recess rang I just couldn’t wait any longer, I needed an excuse, any excuse to get it on with this asshole so I did the only thing left for me to do; I slammed my books against the floor making a loud noise to which he reacted and looked my way and that was all I needed; the fight was on. When the second Gulf war begun that experience was the first thing that came to my mind, yeah the war was on.
            I knew as well as a few other people that there were no WMD, but I didn’t care, I wanted Hussein gone. Did I mention that I was a Republican? It doesn’t sound that way because I can not agree with everything, I can not be a follower; I have a mind of my own and do my own thinking. Just like when the Twin Towers were blown up; as I was watching the second plane hit the second tower I knew it was Osama bin Laden. It took a while to confirm, but informed people knew he had planned and ordered the attack.
            By the way, that was also the fault of the Republicans, the Towers that is. Osama had been friendly with the US while the Soviet Union was at war with
Afghanistan and the US was helping the Afghan people fight the Russians by helping them build underground bunkers to hide in and giving them weapons to fight with, but when that war was over and Bin Laden didn’t play ball with the US any more, well, we can’t have that of course; the US tried to kill him many, many times including during the first Gulf war but missed every single time.
            So now let’s move up in time to the economic collapse of the US and how that collapse dragged many countries into bankruptcy. It did happen while the second Bush was still president, and if you follow all that the banks did, and all the misinformation that was presented to the world, you will see that yes a few Democrats were in on the rape of the economy but it was mostly Republicans that orchestrated the whole enchilada, it was the Bush Administration that proposed the bail out of the banks and other institutions. Shame on him, he knew that he was on the way out of the White House so he proposed and approved all the bailouts for his friends instead of charging them with federal crimes. Yeah, he left the hot potato in the newcomer’s hands, and Obama who had cero experience in politics thought he was doing the right thing by continuing with the bailout of the same institutions that broke the world.
            So, now we are in the sixth year of the Obama Presidency and he was overwhelming elected based on the promises of change, yes change from all the underhanded behavior of the Republican Party which people were sick of. There were many promises made to the American people by Barak Obama, so many good things were promised that I was beginning to think he was a Communist. When you are in the US too long you begin to believe that anyone who wants to do too much good for this country is a Communist, especially when they start talking about women’s rights, equal pay for equal work, the right of every citizen to affordable health care, the end to the wars and our involvement in the Middle East, balancing the budget, etc. I told my daughters not to vote for Obama because I was sure he was a communist. Boy was I wrong; I had experience the same brain washing that 99.9% of Americans suffer from. Within one year I, a Republican, I was behind Obama 80% of the way, because I was still believing some of the rhetoric put out there by the Republican Party.
             One day I decided to get back on track and stop believing everything I saw and heard on TV and started to do research on everything that had to do with our economy and our government and that has gotten me to the point I am at right now. I know that a lot of people do not agree with me because they have been brainwashed thoroughly, and others just because, but I have arrived at the point where I am convinced that what is going on in government right now and has been going on is the private agenda of each and every member of Congress and the House of Representatives to stay in power regardless of what happens to the average citizen, they all have a self preservation at all cost attitude.
            Back to what I was saying about how funny it is to me that people say they voted for the seats in Congress and House of Representatives because they are fed up with the way Republicans do or not do their jobs and still the people made the Republican party the majority in both the House and Congress. This brings to mind a song by Chris Daughtry which says: “be careful what you wish for, ‘cause you just might get it all.”
            It seems that most Americans seem to think that the problems in this country lay with Obama, but it wasn’t Obama that caused the highest unemployment in this country since the Great Depression, it isn’t Obama that shuts down the government when ever Congress doesn’t want to compromise or even negotiate, it isn’t Obama that has been bought and paid for by the medical, insurance and pharmaceutical industries, it also isn’t Obama blocking the Keystone pipeline. People think that Obama should negotiate and bring Congress to the table. Let me tell you what I have done in the same instances that Obama faces with the Republicans and some of the Democrats in congress, because I have been faced with similar situations. I have been called a wetback even though I am not a Mexican, I have been called a nigger even though I am not black, I have been insulted and mistreated because I was not born in the US. In all situations when I was younger and unwise I would beat the living shit out of whomever discriminated against me but as I have gotten older I have opted to do the same as Obama has done: you discriminate against me? You and I have nothing to talk about, end of discussion.
            Playing politics is a very difficult game to play; I applaud Obama for the ways he has handled many a situation and if I were him I would keep implementing those laws or resolutions that I believe to be good for the country. He has two years to go in power and in those two years he should resolve a lot of the issues that are important to him personally. Also there are things like the legalization of Marijuana, I don’t smoke it by choice, but I know enough to know that Marijuana is a safer drug (if you want to call it a drug) than any of the medications put forth by the Pharmaceutical Industry, including aspirin and Ibuprofen, and that is just the problem, the Pharmaceutical Industry has bought Congress and most politicians for they know that if Marijuana gets legalized they face loosing billions or perhaps even trillions of dollars in revenue. I believe it should be regulated and that anyone making any medicine including Marijuana to look appealing to children should be thrown in prison. No exceptions.
            One more thing I would like Obama to do before he leaves office is to bring to an end the embargo against Cuba, it is a failed policy that only hurts the average Cuban citizen and not the government or its leaders. It is time to open full negotiations with Cuba and leave it up to the Cubans in exile to get rid of the Castros and their failed government.
            If we are lucky our next president will be Chris Christie, and maybe the country won’t collapse up on it self. But to all those of you who voted to make the Republican party the majority in the House and Congress, get ready for more unequal pay for women, the abolition of Roe vs Wade, the threat of ending affordable health coverage, the making Marijuana illegal again in the whole country, unemployment raising up near double digits and countless other things like having your kids go off to more oil wars for the sake of a few rich men and who knows, maybe terrorist attacks on our homeland. I hope I am wrong but history stands behind me.

Jorge Rodriguez

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Love what you do. Do what you love.

Love what you do. Do what you love.

            I have no idea how many times I have told others the above quote nor how many times I have heard it or have had it told to me. It makes sense that if you are going to do something make it something you love doing, but just how many of us really do what we love?

            I am very good at giving advice, I have the tendency to examine all the situations I encounter and visualize different outcomes therefore arriving at the most practical or logical solutions. Countless time I have seen the results of my advice and it has always worked for the best in my point of view.
            Looking back at the mess that is my life though I have come to the conclusion that maybe I should have taken advice from others, not that any was ever offered but then again, if it had, would I have taken it?

            I have made love, had sex, played with the emotions of others, broken hearts, broken marriages, and in the process destroyed that which is my present reality. I supposed I overfed my ego and lived a lie thinking there was no tomorrow, but tomorrow is here and there is nothing to show but the spoiled fruits of my harvest.

            Living a superficial shallow life concerned only with the pleasures of the flesh, the now. I never took the time to assimilate that which surrounded me, never thought my “life” needed “fixing”, oh, sure, others lives had loopholes and imperfections but mine had to be raw without expectations. Here I have wasted a lifetime rejoicing in the emptiness of my soul lacking the love and the human touch so desperately needed to survive. What a farce I have lived.

            I have still to find out what it is I “LOVE” and maybe then I may have enough life left to do it. Until then I shall keep up the fake, the strong, the wise. As a friend once told me: “You are to smart for your own good” Thank you Joe Weis, you were perhaps the only person to ever tell me the truth about my self. Needles to say I didn’t listen and my own stupidity has done me in.

            I raise my glass and toast to those that have found happiness even if just for a short expanse.




I have been flying ever since I was 12 years old. My first time was when I left Cuba to come to the U.S. and that first flight was for me an unforgettable flight. It wasn’t just the fact that I was on an airplane, nor that I was flying for the first time, for even though I was leaving my family behind, all my worries seem to vanish at the sight of two angels; the two flight attendants that were greeting the passengers as we boarded we two tall, blond, beautiful young women wearing very short miniskirt uniforms wearing smiles on their faces that seemed to cause at least in me complete amnesia. I had no idea what they were saying, (not that I cared) ‘cause they apparently spoke only English and I didn’t, but their voices sounded like angelical notes from a harp. One of them took me by the hand to the very back of the plane and sat me down on one of the seats that were facing, not like the rest of the seats on the plane that all faced forward. As soon as I sat, this “angel” bent forward giving me a generous pick down the cleavage of her uniform. Now, to a twelve year old that was like glancing at heaven and to top it off, she begun to buckle me in and as she did I felt her and barely touch the front of my pants, the zipper area, and immediately I blushed at the thought that she would notice the excitement she had generated inside my pants. Even now, forty five years later I can’t help feeling a reminiscing kind of the excitement I experienced at that particular moment. The rest of the time while the boarding continued I spent it bent over trying to keep and eye on that woman that had captivated me so. But that wasn’t all, once all the passengers were loaded and seated, these two “angels” sat right across from me displaying those perfect legs in those very short miniskirts giving me an ever so unforgettable view of their matching panties. Heaven…
Needless to say those two women overwhelmed my senses for the very short 45 minutes the flight lasted between Varadero and Miami. Every single movement engraved in my memories, every smile, and every gaze. I was the last one to exit the plane and I was in no hurry to deplane at all. When the one flight attendant took me by the hand to lead me off the plane I was hoping she would take me home with her, but as we got to the exit she bent over and gave me a kiss on the cheek, and so did the other angel. They looked at each other and said something that must have been funny and looked back at me caressing my hair as they waved bye to me.
I am pretty sure they were very amused by me, so young and starring at them both with what I am sure they had to perceive as complete sexual desire; I know because as I walked away I kept glancing back at them and they were definitely looking at me, talking and smiling. I didn’t care, I just couldn’t help myself; I had to absorb the heavenly sight in front of me and savor it while it lasted. As I deplaned and for the remaining next few days all I could think about was those two “angels” that unbeknown to me had changed my life for ever. Later that day I flew from Miami to Los Angeles to meet my family and so my life in these United States begun.
It was a few years before I flew again and when I did those memories came rushing back. It was an American Airlines nonstop flight (like they used to have) between LAX and MIA.  To my good fortune, there in the seat next to mine was a thirty some year old woman, very good looking, especially to a seventeen year old. Red hair, face, neck and cleavage full of freckles, very large breasts that seemed to want to escape their binds and greet me. She had on a long wide pleaded skirt that covered her down to her boots and I couldn’t help but wonder if she was wearing panties underneath that skirt. She was very friendly and loved my thick accent and still broken English. We got to talking and we had been air born for no more than five minutes and we were making out. Wow, her soft skin felt warm to my touch, and the more I touched the more we got “personal”. Now way back then it was rare to have a crowded plane especially at night and in long flights like the one I was on. We made our way to the back of the plane and unknowingly at the time we became members of the Mile High Club. To claim that we had sex once or twice on that flight would be a gross understatement, me seventeen and her in her thirties: we were both at our sexual peek. Five and a half hour flight with very few interruptions; sex on the seats, on the floor and even in both rear restrooms. A hell of a pleasurable flight to say the least.
I have flown many, many times since and way back in those times when long flights used to be none stop, I had sex a few more times while in the air, securing my Mile High membership; mostly it happened with flight attendants. Those were the days, when flight attendants were women, most were very good looking, friendly and willing to please. Those days are gone for good.
Tonight December twenty first two thousand twelve was supposed to be the end of the world according to the Mayan calendar. Well the world hasn’t ended and I find myself sitting in a plane west bound, this is the second leg of my trip; started out in West Palm Beach, Florida to Charlotte, North Carolina and on to Seattle, Washington. In all the flying I do, tonight for the first time in at least ten years I have a young beautiful woman sitting next to me. We are in the very last seat of the plane and this is a full flight. Needless to say I am still a horn dog and the fact that there is at least a thirty year difference between us does not bother me in the least bit. I had noticed her before we begun to board for she is exceptionally beautiful. She is very tall, maybe 5’ 11” wearing a checkered shirt that looks tight around the bosom area, she has a leather type jacket over her shoulders, very tight blue jeans that reveal her every curve and curves she has for even though she is thin, she has thick thighs and an ass that won’t quit. She has a hat on that covers part of her long dirty blond hair and she is wearing boots, cowboy boots if I’m not mistaken; hard to look down past her ass. Very pretty face, brown eyes with thick inviting lips and a smile that seems to come easily to her face. I was in group two so I was one of the first to board and I was sitting there watching all the rest of the passengers fumble with their belongings trying to stick every thing in the overhead compartments when I saw her heading to the back of the plane and as many times before when I see a good looking woman head my way I begin to wish: “please sit next to me and not that fat ugly guy behind you” for there is always some fat guy. To my amazement she came and sat next to me and in a flash I pictured us making out with the passion that has all but been forgotten. Suddenly my senses were over ran with the worse smell I had ever detected on any human, especially on a woman. Oh my God! What a stink!!! She smells like sweaty horses mixed with a wet dog and skunk all at the same time… Just my luck, so many years wishing and wanting, longing for someone desirable to seat next to me and this abomination to the senses assaults me without compassion. Luckily the third seat, the isle seat never got filled, I guess God took pity on me because it was the only seat not taken in the whole plane. She moved over thank God. There is no where to escape to so I guess I will have to endure… Wait, Oh she just reached into her jeans I guess she thinks I am busy writing and don’t see her, but I can plainly see her out of the corner of my eye. Oh Jesus Christ she just pulled her hand out of her pant and smelled her fingers and jerked her head back in apparent disgust at her own smell, shit, now I smell it too! I feel like throwing up; how can such a beautiful desirable woman be such a pig? I don’t know if I will make it all the way to Seattle without throwing up or passing out, but I will say this: This goes down as one of my most memorable flights/experiences only not in a good way. I suppose this is Gods way of laughing at me for being such a pretentious fool.


Monday, December 17, 2012

Tragedy in Newton, CT

Tragedy in Newton, CT

A tragedy has occurred in Newton, Connecticut, one we won’t soon forget. The mass shooting that took place at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newton, Connecticut has renewed talks of gun control and legislation to eliminate the violence.
Maybe you, the reader, don’t realize as most Americans that all the legislation in the world and all the gun control will not change what has happened in Newton, Ct. nor prevent it from happening again in the foreseeable future. This phenomenon that the United States faces is home grown and created by many factors, guns are just a part of the equation.
If you were to analyze all the shootings, mass or the simple every day murder, you will find that a very small percentage, in fact a miniscule percentage of the murderers will purchase a gun legally with the intention of committing said crime.
Americans as a whole have more weapons in their homes than some countries have weapons for their military. You could ban the sale of fire arms today and it will have zero effect on the murder rate in this country. I am not a member of the NRA (National Rifle Association) and it is my belief that no company, club, religion or private entity should have any say in what the Government of a country dictates, and as we all know the NRA has a lot of power in our Government, but regardless they are right, NOTHING, but nothing that we do today will have an impact on the crime wave when it comes to fire arms and murder. Murderers steal guns to commit their crimes, murderers illegally buy guns to perpetrate their acts against other humans and that is a fact.
If you want to minimize these mass shootings and senseless murders you have to tackle the problem at the root and spread from there.
Yes, it is tragic that “20” six & seven year old children were murdered in cold blood while attending school, not to mention the six teachers and the mother of the crazed man, but more people than that lose their lives everyday throughout the country; “everyday”.
Mental health issues, is the main cause for mass killings and we as a society must deal with that reality. A simple example of what many parents are going through right now with their own kids is the revelation of a mother named Liza Long, she lives with the reality that her own son could one day kill not only her, but her other two kids and who knows how many others.
If you want to read about her ordeal go here: ( )
There is also the stigma of having a mentally disturbed individual as a family member, I personally know a well to do family whose first born could one day be the next Adam Lanza, but they refuse to admit their son has serious mental issues, even though they constantly have to deal with his rage and violence towards his sister and other children in their neighborhood and his school. Denial for them will one day cause the death of someone else and by then it will be too late as is the case of all these crazed young men.

1)             From personal experience I will tell you that when it comes to matters of the brain like schizophrenia, depression, and other mental issues, if you don’t have medical insurance and or money to pay for your own treatment, no one cares. The system will rather deal with the aftermath which usually results in death, either by suicide or other types of death, but no one cares for the small percentage of cases where many innocents die at the hands of these crazed individuals as it is the case in Newton, Ct.
2)             Poverty also plays a vital part in the murder rate and other violent crimes like robbery, assault and domestic violence. The segment of our population that can do something about these crimes usually live shelter lives away from the inner cities or the trailer parks where everyday people live the reality of violence on a daily basis.
3)             The media, especially television has a lot of blame on a lot of the crimes committed on the daily basis. All those “cop” shows exposing the young minds to explicit crimes day after day desensitizes our brains to the point of feeling nothing but an adrenalin rush and maybe even satisfaction when emulating what they watched on TV. Reality shows that glamorizes the worst in human behavior where the participants are encouraged to be outrageous in their interactions with their peers, the lack of respect for our fellow human beings from the top of our government to the every day person on the street in order to gain votes or a place in line at Wal-Mart on Black Friday. Yes we have been exposed to these behaviors for the last thirty years or so if not longer and now we are seeing the results, and it doesn’t look like it will end any time soon.
4)             The abuse by law enforcement whether racial or just because a demonstrator does not obey an order. People feel the need to rebel against those who are there to supposedly protect us. Authority figures have become an abomination except when they actually do their jobs within the realm of the law, then they are praised and revered only to disappoint those of us that have suffered the consequences of being different in their eyes.
5)             Out of control institutions that have a license per say to steal our money and take our money/property in “legal” ways. From banks that after you have paid more than double the value of what your home is worth will foreclose on it without hesitation, to the phone company that will illegally bind you to a “service contract for years and charge you a “penalty” for early cancellation of services NOT delivered, to the cable company that forcibly sells you channels that you will never watch.
6)             And to end it short, how about a Government that is constantly taking from its citizens to give to other nations just to have them a “friends/allies”. We as Americans do not have the right to health care which should be a God given right in any and all parts of the earth; it will cost too much they say. But our government doesn’t blink and eyelash when it comes to giving terrorist States Billions of American taxpayer dollars. Countries that owe the United States billions of dollars have their debts “forgiven” or annulled, but if you miss a few payments on your house, the financial institution that holds your debt will be quick to reposes your house leaving you homeless.

There are many, many sides to the violence that is engulfing our nation, and there is no one real solution, but we can start attempting to fix it not for us, but for our children and for our children’s children.
What has transpired in Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newton, Ct or the Clackamas Town Center in Oregon, or The Virginia Tech massacre, how about Paul Michael Merhige who massacred four family members including a six year old, or as far back as the Columbine High School massacre, how about the 1990's incidents of workplace violence involving US Postal System that generated the “gone postal” phrase? Apparent senseless violence is an American way of life that must come to an end and it can only happen if as a Nation we come together and put our values and respect for each other before monetary gain, power or politics.


Thursday, November 15, 2012

Tres minutos

            Hace tres minutos… y a medida que me acerco a la puerta siento que te extraño, sin embargo todavía no entro. Tres minutos y una hora… y siento la ausencia de ti sentada al otro lado de la mesa compartiendo la cena. Tres minutos, una hora y siete días… e inconscientemente subo el brazo para abrazarte como si estuvieras sentada a mi lado como solías hacer cuando mirábamos la tele. Tres minutos, una hora, siete días y un mes… y me viro a hacerte una pregunta mientras me preparo para dormir y me doy cuenta que ya no estas. Tres minutos, una hora, siete días, un mes y cinco años y todavía no me acostumbro a tu ausencia, acostado aquí imagino que compartes mi lecho, que tus labios me acarician como acostumbrabas hacer, siento el vacío en el alma que dejaste en mi la ultima vez que hicimos el amor y mi corazón me ruega que te siga, que lo ames otra vez. Tres minutos, una hora, siete días, un mes y cinco años y tal parece una eternidad, tal vez otra vida y la realidad es que no aprendo a estar sin ti, te amo y siempre te amare. Nada ni nadie se compara a ti mi amor. Así, extrañándote intento llegar al minuto cuatro y no se si superare el dolor que reina en mi alma cada instante de esta existencia que es una tortura sin final. Ansío el roce de tu piel, los besos de tu boca, tu risa encantadora, el tono de tu voz, tu olor, la expectativa de mirar mi futuro en tus ojos, quiero volver atrás para disfrutarnos a plenitud como alguna vez solíamos hacer. Cuatro minutos, una hora, siete días, un mes y cinco años pero pronto volveremos a ser uno mi amor.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Fixing the Economy

Fixing the Economy

Something so simple for someone with the “balls” to take on all the crooked politicians throughout this country, yes all fifty states.

It takes taxes to keep the government running; it also takes taxes to repay the monies we (The U.S.) have borrowed up to now to pay for the mismanagement of government. It takes taxes to pay for disaster relive whenever we have a large scale disaster mainly caused by nature. We also need our military to protect us, (not other countries) and that is paid for with tax money and finally there is the poor in this country, a number that keeps getting larger every day, and when the government gives us assistance that money also comes from taxes. There are other services like border patrol, police, fire fighters, etc that also are paid from taxes; most people don’t stop to think how wide spread a government expense obligation is and how if not managed correctly, very quickly you run out of funds to keep the country going.

Where do taxes come from? Well, taxes come from different sources and I will give you a few examples: Income tax, sales tax, property tax, etc.

Starting with the obvious, income tax: if you have ten people unemployed for any length of time here is the consequence: being that they are not working, they are not paying income tax, they will collect unemployment which some think is all paid by the previous employer, it is not. Part of that unemployment check is paid for out of tax money, especially if there are extensions of benefits, and lately there have been at least three or four. Let’s say that one out of the ten people unemployed one has an accident or simply gets seriously sick, since they are unemployed more than likely they have no medical insurance, so the hospital doesn’t get paid and at the end of the year deducts the debt from the taxes they are supposed to pay claiming a loss and therefor giving less to the government, or if the government pays for the hospital bill, it does it with tax money, and since the government does not pay the full amount charged by the hospital, the difference is still claimed as a loss. 

So now let’s suppose that each of these men were paying in income tax, now being unemployed not only they aren’t paying in, but they are drawing about four times as much as their contribution would have been, not only that, but since they have no money to spend, they are not making purchases that would bring in sales tax, and after being unemployed for too long, they will lose their house as it’s happened to so many Americans therefore not paying property taxes and creating a supposed loss for the banks holding their loans.

If you notice allowing our citizens to remain unemployed snowballs crippling our economy even deeper, because not only is the effects of the cash money not being paid in taxes and the money being paid out to help the unemployed, but since they are not consuming as much, other employees in other businesses will lose their job as they are not needed being that the demand on them has lessened. 

Multiply the above by three or four millions and you will arrive at our present state of despair.

At the time our economy begun to deteriorate it became public that it was the banks and financial institutions that actually caused the economic breakdown of our way of life, and being that those same banks and financial institutions own the politicians, those same politicians were quick to recommend the bailing out of the banks with stimulus money that came out of taxes, regardless of whether we borrowed it from China or had it stashed under the mattress, the money was from the tax payers. Now most, not all of these banks that were so eager to take the money and profit with the suffering of the average American paid the money back, but now and for the past year have refused to help our economy by refusing new loans, repossessing property that they themselves inflated the prices in order to make their profits bigger, and prevent small business owners to expand by not wanting to give out money necessary for the growth of these small businesses.

One good idea that will never happen is: force the banks to bail out the country as we bailed them out. Another good idea that also will never happen: the government should take ownership of the banking system. By the way, these same banks that were robbing us blind for years finally had someone (Obama) stand up to them and limit their reckless dipping into our pockets, so now they are coming up with new gimmicks and charges, just like the airlines. Apparently the people of the United States and the world for that matter have forgotten that banks use our money to survive, to make loans, to purchase property. You want to help our economy? Withdraw every cent you have in the banking system, no matter how much or how little you have, and tell the banks how you want them to operate; believe me, when the banks find themselves without funds to do business with, they will do whatever it take to fix their economy. I don’t know when it happened that the people became so stupid as to give an institution money to operate and on top of that paid them to use their money.

If the first stimulus money had been given to the average American that was in financial trouble and distributed equally among them, not the investors, but the average head of household or small business owner, the economy of our country and the world, would have flourished and there would have never been a need for a second stimulus package nor a third, or any other emergency measure.

The powers that be own this government and have in reality never lost any money, in fact they are richer now than they ever were and it is the average person that is suffering the consequences.

Many, many other things can be done to fix our economy, but none will be implemented so long as our representatives and our government is corrupt. It will take a very long time to get out of the slump we are in.


Thursday, September 22, 2011

Run For The Presidency Of U.S.

Run For The Presidency Of U.S.

So who will you vote for? Are you a Republican, Democrat or Independent? Will you vote with your party or will you pick the best man/woman for the job? Look at the past and be sincere with yourself, voting for your party just because you belong is being a fanatic, and we all know what fanatics are…
Last elections we as a people did not vote for the best qualified man for the job, we voted for the most eloquent and better looking, younger candidate. Obama had zero experience, but he could talk. He moved the young masses with his words, telling them what they wanted to hear. I think all the democrats voted for him. Most of the young people just because of his eloquence voted for him. A great majority of black citizens voted for him just because he is black. Half the women that voted for Obama did so because of his looks. And on and on and on…
Look at the candidates we have to pick from right now: Republicans all and even if you are a Republican you have to be thinking what the hell has happened to our politicians? Isn’t there a complete package? If Sara Palin had more political knowledge and was as crooked as the front runners of the Republican Party, she would be our next president, but she has no political savvy.  
Since I started by mentioning Sara Palin I think I will mention the only woman running and that is Michele Bachmann; for some reason she is not a likable person, not to mention she is not convincing when she speaks, whether she is talking about herself or the economy or any subject she sound like she is saying what she has been told to say. She will never be president of the U.S.
Mitt Romney, maybe he should be the elected Republican to run against Obama, he seems to be the most qualified even though he has very little sexual appeal and we all know that is very important, he also doesn’t portray the strength and leadership that a president needs, but then again Jimmy Carter was a wimp from the get go and he became president. We are still paying for his mistakes, but who is counting.
And then there is Rick Perry; Here is a man that sweats sex appeal, leadership and strength, but without trying to be too critical of him, he is as dumb as a bucket of rocks, his points of view and believes are so far out that sometimes I think his opponents have switched his cue cards just to make him look bad. If this idiot becomes president we will regret it for the four years he will run this country, for sure our economy will collapse and we will either escalate the wars we are involved in or he will create a new one; Iran seems to be good candidate.
The rest of the Republicans running for president should drop out as soon as possible and return the tax dollars our economy so badly needs. None of them has a prayer in hell to be anything more than what they are right now.
Do you want to make a real change in Washington? Get rid of all those Republicans and Democrats that oppose raising the taxes on the rich. Ask yourself why would they protect the rich who are not and have never paid their fare share of taxes while you and I are haunted down to pay whatever it is we owe. Besides the taxes, also consider why it is that all those who criticize Obama Care and have a medical plan better than any insurance company can offer at any price will not put out a plan similar to what Canada has so all our citizens can have medical coverage. Canada is no where near as rich a country as we are and they take care of their people, why not the U.S.? To many rich people and organizations have bought and paid for our politicians and if we the people don’t take a stand and show our future aspiring politicians that we will kick them out for being corrupt, we will never fix our government. Politicians will not fix our government, that is the problem with this country we allow the people who are supposed to serve us to police themselves and it only perpetuates their undesirable behavior.
When you think about voting this time around, think of what it is you want from our government, look at the candidates, listen to what they are not saying and tell yourself if this is the person you want to run our country for the next four years. Don’t vote just because that is what your party is telling you to do, or because you like the way the person smiles or brushes his hair, vote because you believe in the person, otherwise just stay home and see who your neighbor elected to run your country.
Concerning the congress, I hope you don’t have a short attention span, or suffer from lapses of memory, remember that it is congress that has kept us struggling for the sake of making Obama look bad.
I am a Republican and I believe in what the Republican Party stands for, but it is reprehensible what the Republicans and some Democrats have done in these last two years or so. It is my sincere believe that these people in charge of our government have made it their mission to make sure no other black man is elected to run our country by making sure that most of the citizens suffer economically while Barrack Obama is president. You may disagree with that statement, but if you analyze all that has transpired between the president and the congress, you have to agree that even when Obama offers the Republicans what they want, they vote against it or attach extras that are unacceptable.
Help fix our economy and get rid of the congress as we know it, fire the whole bunch of them and place new blood in their place with the warning of replacement as soon as they sell themselves to the powers that be.