Have you ever been fascinated by something in particular and you find yourself at a loss as to why that is? I have always had a fascination with rocks, rocks of all types, colors and sizes. Sometimes I think that maybe in another life I may have been a geologist, or perhaps I lived in a place where the rock variety was immense, or maybe I was stoned to death, who knows, but I do know that in this lifetime there’s no reason for me to like rocks the way I do.
Ever sense I was a kid I remember staring at rocks with the same intensity as I later on stared at women. Now, I know I was not a gynecologist in another life, but I find women extremely interesting, not just desirable, but it’s like I want to know and understand everything concerning women and it’s the same way with rocks.
What is it about rocks that I find so mysterious? I don’t know, but the fact is that to me there is no ugly rock, no boring rock, and I feel all rocks have a story to tell, if only I knew how to decipher their secrets.
Maybe I should go back to school and take up geology, who knows it just may be that one thing I have been missing my whole life.
I have met people that have no passions in their lives, and I don’t know how they make it through. I think everyone should be passionate for something or in some cases, for someone. Life to me is very meaningless when there is nothing to long for, you must crave and desire, have a goal, but there has to be something that not only makes you get through the day, but also inspires you and makes you dream. Otherwise, why be alive in the first place if there is nothing that gives your life meaning.
OK, that’s enough of that. Just wanted to establish that I have other interests in life besides women and rocks take first place after women, followed by fish, the sea, rivers and lakes.
Perfect setting for me: a rocky beach at the mouth of a river, with a beautiful woman in the water surrounded by colorful fish. Now that’s not too much to ask for, is it?
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