Monday, June 20, 2011

From Sheen to Clinton

From Sheen to Clinton to…

So there you go. Finally Charlie Sheen got written off the show Three and a Half man. I guess even Hollywood celebrities pay the consequences of their actions; some of them anyways…
I never did like the show to begin with but, it seems that I am the minority, for there are many millions of fans all around the world that seem to just love that show. I always found it to be cheaply written, badly acted, and demeaning to women and regular men. The kid is fat and ugly, the regular guy projects his feminine side, and Charlie’s character is a figment of bad imagination. The reality is that womanizers aren’t like Charlie’s character at all, I know, I used to be one and I know many of them. Maybe if they were to hire a male chauvinist pig womanizer to write some of the scenes, but then again, when you are a womanizer there is no time to be writing, you are just too busy remembering the names of the different women to concentrate on writing. Besides, having sex several times a day on the daily bases, kind of diminishes the creativity necessary for writing.
I am glad that Charlie got the boot, not because I dislike him, (and I do) but because certain behavior in public figures has to be eradicated. His own kids should be kept from him until he gets over whatever it is that is going on in his mind. Anyone with two cents worth of sense realizes that if there is “no drugs” affecting Mr. Sheen, then he must be suffering from some kind of mental dysfunction. He has never come across as being a degenerate nor a pervert or even a drug addict, unlike some of our politicians, but he must get help, not just as a front to please the masses as Woods did, but for his own good and the good of his kids.
At least he may become a better person towards those who are not as lucky as he has been, be it because of his father’s influence or because of his own merits. We all need to improve our lives, some more than others and I am one to talk, but it seemed to me that it was about time that just because an actor or a famous person enjoys notoriety, it doesn’t give them a license to act the fool and be a bad example to others. I do not recommend that others do what Tiger Woods did, that was demeaning to him for what was at the beginning a private matter. True, his wife wanted revenge and money wasn’t enough, but he (Woods) didn’t have to lower himself to the public, he only had to apologize to his wife, she is the only one that was betrayed, not the fans. I believe that whoever counseled Tiger to apologize and go through “sex therapy” should be fired if he hasn’t been fired jet.
Certain behavior in public figures cannot be overlooked, and especially when the perpetrators deny their actions like this latest idiot Mr. Anthony Weiner; now he finally resigned and admitted his stupidity, there is also ex Presidential candidate John Edwards who not only denied his affair but wasn’t man enough to claim his offspring. But this brings to mind President Bill Clinton, I don’t remember if he ever admitted having sex with the Lewinsky girl. He also didn’t pay the consequences fully because of his wife’s ambition for political power and statue; she “forgave” his wrong doings.
True, powerful men have women throw themselves at them all the time, but if we are going to play, we should be man enough to face up to our actions. Then again we also have powerful men that think that because of their power or fame they can do as they please as is the case of the European Banker who was considered one of the most powerful man in the world, Dominque Strauus-Kahn is also prominent French politician and leader of that nation’s significant Socialist party, and he goes and allegedly rapes a maid in the hotel he was at; and if that wasn’t enough, another powerful banker a successful Egyptian this time by the name Mahmoud Abdel Salam Omar does the same thing a week or two later. You see in their countries because of who they are they can do these things and get away with them; not here!
There are laws and rules to live by and in this country they are different than in other parts of the world, but we live in this country and as such we must abbey and live by those laws and rules. I have found as I get older that morality changes in a man and morality is thought at home and lives within us helping us make decisions as we go through our daily lives. I am a sinner, so I make no claims to be free of sin, but as time goes by I realize that the world is changing for the worse and the advancements in technology aren’t helping make us better people, just better performers.
The one thing I know for sure is that I cannot make others live their lives as I think it should be, but I can try and live my life without affecting others; well, there are exceptions to that: Fuck with me or my livelihood and I will see to it that sooner or later I will affect your life.
So in ending this here anecdote I will say this: If you act stupid, you should pay the consequences, and I am glad so many are being made accountable.

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