Sunday, May 15, 2011

USA Going Where?

Deficit, Unemployment, Foreclosures, Seniors Benefits…

As I listen today to the interview with Speaker of the House John Boehner on Face the Nation, not only was it clear and obvious that Boehner is a lawyer, but it made me feel bad that I, a Republican at heart, a firm believer of the Republican philosophy, am represented by such a liar, such a little man, such a coward. I am embarrassed for him and it bothers me greatly that so many Americans are misguided by this man’s words. I am also disturbed by the interviewer’s lack of honesty in the questions he asked and lack of follow up questions.
I feel I have been duped all these years by a party that seems at present at least not to care for the well-being of our country or for the welfare of our people. I guess I could never be an interviewer, ‘cause if I were, I would slap in the face the person sitting across from me when they, in my face, answer questions that I know for a fact that they are lying and or twisting the answer in order to try and deceive me/the people.
You really can’t blame Harry Smith for being the lousy reporter that he is, although I am sure the majority would consider him great, but he is like every single television reporter in this country, he is a “team player”, told what to say, when to say it, and what not to mention or risk losing his job, not just at CBS, but no other station would touch him if he gets to be known as the one that didn’t follow the lead.
I am so angry right now that I could scream! Then again, when you scream no one seems to hear you, and in this country at least, people are used to hearing what they want to hear and trust those in power without questioning their past actions or their motives for the actions taken.
This country is getting to the point of needing a dictator to reinvent the current government and eliminate a great deal of these politician’s jobs. The two parties are backed by powerful entities who are the ones that put and remove presidents therefor protecting the rest of the governing body. How can we move ahead then?
To say that I am embarrassed or disappointed are just small words used to try and describe the despair I feel in the way our country is being ran into the ground, with the poor and lower middle class paying for the upper’s middle class and the rich to get richer and live better in their never ending quest to have more. The balance that used to exist and that made this country great has all but disappeared.
Someone ought to put out the word to those that run our country that a clear separation of classes can only weaken us as a nation, for in unity lives our strength. It is getting to the point of no return and very few are seeing the realization of bad change in our system of life as Americans.
I could talk about this all day, but will anyone listen?

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