Saturday, May 21, 2011

Peace in the Middle East?

Peace in the Middle East?

As I watched the news report on the meeting between President Obama and Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, I could not help but wonder if the Middle East would ever be at peace and if it’s time for the U.S. to step aside and let all these countries find a solution to their problems on their own.

Israel as a race of people has been at war since before most of the lines on the sands of the Sahara were drawn and will be at war for always and until the end of time, that’s according to the/their Bible. “For they so angered Jehovah with their disobedience, lack of faith and the adoration of deities…”

There are two reasons why we keep sticking our nose in Israel just as there are two reasons why we keep interfering in the Arab world: For the Israel side, Jews have bought a voice in this country throughout the years making them a very powerful political party without having a particular name like Democrat or Republican, more like the Silent party; and some will go as far as to say that they run this country, not me. And secondly, the U.S. desperately needs an allied that is sort of a bully in between all the Arab nations and we have supplied them with the weaponry to be that bully. Now, the reasons why we interfere in the Arab world is their oil and that they are and have always been a real threat to the rest of the “none” Islamic countries around the world. Were that not the case, as it happened in Japan and with the weapons we poses now, there wouldn’t be an Arab world nor a Jew controlled Israel, especially after 9/11.

Consider this: In August 2 1990 Iraq invaded Kuwait and “we” the U.S. attacked Iraq and “liberated” Kuwait. But in 1967 in what is known as the 6 day war, Israel took effective control of the Gaza Strip and the Sinai Peninsula from Egypt, the West Bank and East Jerusalem from Jordan, and the Golan Heights from Syria, and we helped them! To this day we have not made Israel give back the territories they forcefully took from other countries, and what’s worse, we have supplied them with our technology in warfare and have pledge to protect them from an all-out war with the Muslim world. What will be the price we pay for being complacent with Israel? You make your own assumption, but the way it’s been looking for a long time, their money and power within our country gives them the option to destroy any and all the Arab countries when they see fit and will do it all with our consent and help, playing the victim as they have been doing since WW2, and claiming that they are such a little country and are surrounded by all these big enemies, as they have in the past.

Make no mistake, Israelis and Arabs are the same people with different religions, they are both dangerous and uncontrollable. They are both fanatics of their own believes and salvages when it comes to human life. If you are fooled by what you think Jews “are”, based on the Jewish population in the U.S., better do a double take and really look around you, for if we as a country resist them, they are already within and like a cancer that eats you from inside not showing symptoms until it’s too late, you will be taken by surprise.

The Muslim world has for years now taken notice of Israel’s tactics and it has been spreading throughout the world like an epidemic, just as deadly but not as settled. Beware for both of these peoples come dressed in sheep’s clothing, but the wolf lurks with in!

We, the U.S. has to stop taking sides with all these peoples and let them do what it is they are going to do. You will see that when all these revolutions wine down, we will still be the most hated enemy and the extremists will have control of the nuclear weapons that now are “controlled” and will not hesitate to use them against the west. Then, what will we do? It makes good politics in this country to tell its citizens that Democracy is spreading throughout the Middle East, when the reality is that Iran is behind all these revolts, and we know it but are gutless to do anything about it. Too worried about what the world will say. No president wants to have that kind of legacy…

 Although, if I were the president of the U.S. I would like history to show that I was the one that brought peace to the world with a swift and certain blow. A war that would last only a few days without the loss of American life, and leaving an example of what would happen if world security is ever threatened again. I guess that is why I am NOT the president of the most powerful nation in the world.

PS: For those that think I am too harsh, think about this: Has Japan ever threatened us or anyone else again?

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