Green What?
I keep reading about the earth’s condition and the many, many different things we humans are responsible for that will bring about the destruction of our climate. No, I am not talking about the end of the earth; the earth will be here long after we are all gone with one small possible exception: Those scientists working with the particle accelerators. There is a very real danger that as they experiment with the creation and obliteration of matter by accelerating particles that they might create what is known to most of us as a black hole. And as most of us know, a black hole doesn’t need to be very big to begin devouring all matter surrounding it, thus growing within minutes large enough to end not only our existence, but swallow the earth itself. But that’s another “matter”.
Back to our climate; the ozone layer, the coral reefs, the systematic destruction of different species, be it plant or animal, the contamination of our air and water, etc. We have all heard the related news and speculations regarding all of these, still, we do nothing to prevent our dooms day, maybe not ours personally, but that of our children and our children’s children.
It is like smoking cigarettes, you have been told time and again most of the dangers of smoking, but since it’s not happening right now, you don’t really care and you smoke; 10 or 20 years down the line when you are faced with emphysema, cancer or any of the many ailments caused by smoking, then you regret not having quit earlier.
Will we as a people ever do anything to correct all that we are doing to create our own demise? Hell no! We as a race are lazy and procrastinate do to our own lack of care. If the government tells us that they are taking care of a problem, we believe it, if the scientists tell us that they have figured out a way for continued existence: we believe it. It seems we are eager to take anyone’s word for the resolving of any of our problems. Gas too expensive? Obama says he will investigate the reasons why, and we believe that to be the solution. No! Gas too expensive? Go get the already known millionaires/billionaires responsible and put them behind bars and force the price to go down. Even better, stop buying foreign petrol and watch how quickly prices will drop. But it is much easier to believe that someone is looking into it and in a few months, after we are used to paying over $5.00 a gallon, they will lower it to $4.89 per gallon and the American public will be happy.
We live in a world of lazy individuals that act as a mass of pure stupidity, and there is a few that have learn to play the game by distracting the masses with insignificant rhetoric: The Castros have done this and that, is Obama an American, the hunt for terrorists, keep talking about the slavery, how about the Holocaust, etc. And the masses follow like sheep follow their herder not paying attention to what really matters, which is the present and our future as a race, not black, not white, not brown or yellow, but as the human race.
What will you do to insure our survival? Just as important, what will you do about our present?
Jorge Rodriguez
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